White Sunday 2023
The church celebrated White Sunday with the children on Sunday 8 October.
The children read bible verses and shared with the worshippers what Jesus or God means to them. The theme of the service was Fruits of the Spirit.
White Sunday or Lotu Tamaiti is celebrated to focus on children and the young people of the church.
25 years of belonging
to the Passionist family Group movement.
On Sunday 15 October Johnsonville Uniting Church celebrated 25 years of belonging to the Passionist family Group movement.
For the occasion the church was joined by Paul Traynor the National Convenor of the Passionist Movement and Kerry and John Kleinsman from St Francis of Assisi Parish who have been involved with the church since the beginning.
Following the service the people attending viewed a most memorable slide show put together by Graham Cochrane covering 25 years of activities.
The goals of the Passionist Family group movement (a family for all) are kept alive in the Parish as people support each other through the good times and the bad.
Stitches among the Flowers
On 14th April 2023 JUC and Johnsonville Floral Art Club had an exhibition of handwork and floral arrangements. It was a feast for the eyes and senses with beautiful art work, a wonderful performance by Voices in the wind choir and tables brimming with delightful arts and crafts for sale.
On behalf of JUC and the Johnsonville Floral Art Club we would like to thank everyone for the support of this joint venture.
We have had some very generous donations of goods and services.
Firstly, William and Hits from The Collective for the impressive street signs and Independent Herald advertising.
Cafe L'affare, Wellington for the coffee.
Countdown in Johnsonville mall
On Trays Scheckter's Deli and,
many JUC Parishiners and their friends and Floral Art Club members for their contributions.
A special thanks to Judith Dunlop for putting this all together and all the organising bringing these talented individuals together from inside and outside the parish to deliver such a special event!
What are the Aims?
To share our Christian lives together.
To support each other in times of need and of celebration.
To give example to and involve our Children in our Christian sharing.
To live and care for others like the early Christians
Christmas parade 2022
On the 3rd of December the congregation banded together to make the only Christian Christmas float. Was wonderful to see everyone that attended making at such a special day.
Looking forward to next year!
Spring Fashion Parade
Ballentynes Fashion event.
A wonderful turnout for a great fundraising event! Thank you to all that attended, the beautiful models strutting their stuff, the organizers and Ballentynes for supporting our community.