• Parish Workshop - Five years ago, we completed our Mission Plan for the next 5 years. It is now time to look back and be encouraged by what we have achieved and look towards that next five years. It is important for us as a Parish to re-evaluate our direction on a regular basis. What would you like Parish to be focusing on over the next 5 years. Take some time out even if only for a couple of hours and join us for this workshop.
    Date & Time: 27 July 9.30am to 3.30pm
    Place: St John’s Anglican Church Hall.
    What to Bring: Your lunch and refreshments.
    Facilitator: Rev Stuart Simpson
    What to Read

  • Our Mission Plan

  • An article from Rev Andrew Doubleday titled “Change or Die” (Touchstone May 2024).

  • An article from Rev Peter Taylor titled “Seeking Hope in God” (Touchstone May 2024).

  • JUC Response to Discernment for the next 30 years.

  • (Copies of articles available from the office and on the noticeboard.)
    To assist with planning please register with the office.
    Phone: 04 478 3396

  • For full notices click on the button below.